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Research work
In 1999 I defended my thesis "Cytohistological analysis of the opisthorchis infection effects combined with the persistence of Epstein-Barr virus" for the degree of Ph.D.
In 2005 I defended my doctoral thesis "Opisthorchis-metorchis mixt-infection in humans in Western Siberia (the new aspects of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and distribution)" for the degree of  Dr. Med. Sciences.
In 2014 I was awarded with the academic title of associate  professor. Since 2014 I am a Professor, Department of Geoecology and Geochemistry of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
In 1999 he was the winner of the VII-th European Academy contest for young scientists of the CIS, and in 2003 the winner of the Tomsk region in the field of Education and Science under the heading "Award for young scientists, professors, doctoral students and post-graduate students."

I am the author of 219 scientific publications, including 6 monographs, 68 scientific articles, 18 of which are published in English in the international journals included in the Scopus database, and 30 - in Russian peer-reviewed journals.

I was an active participant of the Russian Scientific Foundation for Humanities grants: N 05-06-06245a (“Social, demographic and genetic factors of population formation of oil and gas provinces of the North of Western Siberia” in 2005-2007); N 09-06-00937a (“Cross-breeding and adaptation of indigenous and immigrant peoples of Siberia in the era of oil and gas development”, in 2008-2010); N 13-06-00094 (“Psycho-social, ethnic and ecogenetic determinants of professional staff adaptation oil and gas fields of northern Siberia” in 2013-2014) as well as the Federal Target Program of  state contract number P1294 (“Genetic and adaptive demographic processes and the problem of the development of new technologies selection contingent workforce in the oil and gas fields in Western Siberia”, in 2009-2011).

Fields of Scientific Interest

  • Environmental Epidemiology 
  • Epidemiology of noncommunicable and communicable diseases
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Bioindication and biological testing
  • Environmental toxicology
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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