Ильенок Сергей Сергеевич
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Старший преподаватель

Вн. телефон: 2976
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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Geochemistry of fuel and energy complex (UMKD)
The purpose of teaching "Geochemistry of fuel and energy complex" is to study the characteristics of the composition and properties of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, peat, oil shale ), the behavior of organic and inorganic Organic substances in the process of fuel combustion and utilization waste.
Nuclear-physical and electro-microscopic methods of research of substance (UMKD)
The aim of the teaching of this discipline is to prepare specialists with in-depth knowledge on the study material and the elemental composition of nuclear geochemistry and electron microscopic methods. Familiarity with basic modern methods of research and elemental composition of the material in the solution geological and geo-ecological problems
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