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M.A. Khatyamova is the author of two successful books ("Creativity E.I. Zamyatin in the context of the narrative strategies of the first third of the twentieth century" (Tomsk: Publishing house of TSPU, 2006), "The literary Forms of self-reflection in the Russian prose of the first third of the twentieth century" (M.: Languages of Slavonic culture, 2008), three collective and more than 60 articles on Russian literature of the first half of the twentieth century, and the prose of the Russian Diaspora. With students and graduate students engaged in the poetics of migration literature and literature of the Silver age, the problems of self-reflection prose, literary, prose modernism. In 2010, under the leadership of M.A. Khatyamos was defended PhD thesis A.E. Siskevich “Demonic complex in the art world A.A. Akhmatova" (Tomsk, Tomsk state University); in 2012 - A.V. Zhludina "Semantics art space in prose M.A. Osorgin". It is one of the organizers of the all-Russian conference "Russian literature in modern cultural space" (TSPU - 2006, 2009, 2012) and editor of the collection of materials, the editor of the Bulletin of TSPU (series "Philology"), "Siberian philological journal, participates in Russian and International scientific conferences. M.A. Khatyamova is a member Dissertational Council of philological Sciences in Tomsk state University (D 212.267.05). Repeatedly acted as the opponent at the dissertation defense dissertation councils Tomsk, Tyumen, Tambov and other universities.