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Galina graduated from Tomsk State University in Russia as a specialist in Chemistry in 1971. It was there that she developed an interest in the field of atomic spectroscopy which was pursued further with an PhD in the area of Analytical chemistry within Tomsk State University and Ural Polytechnic university in 1982. Her PhD project was focused on the determination of trace elements in the semiconductor samples by means of atomic spectroscopy method. She came to Tomsk Medical Institute In 1980 to lead the Spectroscopy laboratory. Next a particular area of interest of hers is the determination of trace elements in a human body and she developed a successful research with colleagues of Tomsk Cardiological Center to reveal the links between heart deceases and the composition of hair trace elements. The results of those studies were delivered on different conferences and published in papers and monography. In 1989 she was invited to the Laboratory of Environment Control Methods in Tomsk Polytechnic University where she continued and expanded her investigations about occurrence of chemical elements in the objects of human environment and human’s body and began her teaching professional life. Within 1995 - 2005 she worked as an Associated Professor at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry where she delivered lectures for Russian students as well as for international students. In 2001 she was invited to read lectures on inorganic chemistry at Anna-University in Chennai, India.
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