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Vladimir Vasilevich Guzyr has been hired on a post of the lecturer of Economics department in January, 2001. His duties include providing lectures on «Economics» and «Financial Management» for the students of the 3rd and 4th years of study. Vladimir has proved to be the good specialist, he organizes scientific research process of students and young scientists in the Economics Department of Tomsk Polytechnic University. He has a perfect background. By the decision of the State Attestation Board of 19.06.2000 he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in economics by specialization “Economics”, and by the decision of 10.06.2002 he was awarded a master’s degree in economics. In October, 2007 Vladimir V. Guzyr has successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis on a theme «National innovation system as a basis of the Quality of life economy» on a speciality 08.00.01 – Economic theory.