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In 1977 Nadezhda I. Guzarova graduated from the Faculty of History of Tomsk State University, qualification “Historian, teacher of history and Social studies”. She works in higher education system for over thirty years, including more than 25 years - in Tomsk Polytechnic University. PhD thesis and a number of her publications are devoted to the history of Siberian press in the second half of the 20th century. Since 1998, Nadezhda worked in the system of international education, initially as a teacher, later since 2002 as head of the preparatory division of the Institute of International Education and Language Communication of TPU. Nadezhda Guzarova actively participated in the foundation and governmental licensing of the Preparatory Division of the Institute of International Education. Nadezhda Guzarova conducts great training and communicative work with foreign students coming to study at TPU. She has developed a program, curriculum and textbooks for foreign students on the disciplines of "Country study", "History of Russia", which she successfully reads for international students during the past ten years. Nadezhda Guzarova pays particular attention to the development of tolerant cross-cultural communication of foreign students in city and university environment. With her active participation round table conferences, TPU student friendship evenings, meetings of student's International club are organized. Foreign students of IHST are under her supervision. A large number of scientific publications of N.I.Guzarova ia related to with her practice and devoted to the issues of adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural and academic environment of Russian University, education of tolerance in multicultural educational environment. In general, associate professor N.I.Guzarova has more than 80 scientific and methodical works. She is one of the authors of the monograph "Essays on the History of Tomsk Polytechnic University", a textbook in English «History of Russia», the textbook "Country studies”, “Stories about Russia for foreign students "and many other teaching aids. N.I.Guzarova reads a number of fundamental courses for students of "Regional Studies" qualification: "History of Asia and Africa", "Recent history of Asia-Pacific countries", "History of China". In her work, she uses computer technology. It was she, who started to upload her training materials on WEB-CT. For success in teaching activity Nadezhda I. Guzarova was repeatedly awarded, she was awarded a TPU emblem on the occasion of TPU centenary, in 2008 - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education.
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