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менеджмент Discipline is aimed at training of bachelors in organizational and management activities, including: – collection, processing and analysis of information about factors external and internal environment of organization managerial decision-making; – build an internal information system organizations to collect information for the purpose of decision-making, planning and control; – development of the undergraduate independent logical thinking about the nature and content of management processes in organizations operating in a tough competitive environment. The purpose of teaching of discipline "Fundamentals of management" is: to study the state and prospects of development of oil and gas business in Russia and abroad; - the study of the organization of labor and production at the enterprises of Russian oil companies; - the study of the status and prospects of markets for products of oil companies; - the study of methods of planning of production volumes and sales. The main tasks of presentation and study discipline "management" include: - equip students with knowledge in the field of organization of work of the enterprises included in the oil company, search for the most progressive methods of organization of remuneration of labour under market conditions, methods and ways of increasing efficiency in exploration drilling and oil production;
Discipline Discipline is aimed at training of bachelors to professional (managerial) activities, including: – definition of codes and brands of used petroleum product, and hydrocarbon gas on the Russian and international standards; planning the needs of individual types of petroleum products in quantity and quality at Russian and international standards; – implementation of operations on purchase-sale, delivery-acceptance and drawing up of claims on quality of petroleum products, measures to protect oil from contamination and loss, and to restore quality of oil products.
Яндекс.Переводчик с русского ↔ на английский Дисциплина нацелена на подготовку бакалавров к организационно-управленческой деятельности, в т.ч.: сбор информации из разных источников, ее анализировать и использовать для оценки стоимости бизнеса; анализ рынка и построение прогнозов с учетом макроэкономических, отраслевых и региональных факторов в отношении стоимости бизнеса; анализировать отчетность предприятия, делать соответствующие выводы и строить на этой основе прогнозы развития бизнеса; расчет стоимости активов предпри¬ятия доходным, затратным и срав-нительным методами; расчет стоимости контрольных и неконтрольных паке¬тов акций; управление стоимостью компании; выстраивание отношений между заказчиком, оценщиком, экспертом и пользователем оценочных услуг. Discipline is aimed at training of bachelors in organizational and management activities, including: gathering information from different sources, analyze it and use it to business valuation; market analysis and forecasting taking into account macroeconomic, sectoral and regional factors in relation to business value; to analyze the statements of the company, make appropriate conclusions and build on this basis, the projected growth of the business; the calculation of the value of the assets income, cost and comparative methods; calculation of cost of control and minority stakes; cost management of the company; building relationships between the client, appraiser, expert and user appraisal services.
The discipline focuses on the preparation of bachelors to professional (organizational and management) activities: – determining the codes and brands of used commercial petroleum products and hydrocarbon gas according to Russian and international standards; – planning the demands in individual types of oil products in quantity and quality according to Russian and international standards; – realizing buy/sell transactions, shipments, preparation of claims on oil products quality, measures for the protection of oil products from contamination and losses, as well as restoration of oil products quality.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
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