Джалилова София Насибуллаевна
Кандидат технических наук

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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Diploma of the II degree of the XIX International Scientific Symposium named after Academician M. A. Usov «Problems of geology and subsoil development» (Tomsk, 2015).

Diploma of I degree for the report «Optimization of the processes of residual water content of hydrocarbon raw materials using the method of mathematical modeling in field preparation of oil." At the All-Russian Scientific Youth Conference with international participation with elements of the scientific school named after Professor M.K. Korovina», Tomsk, TPU, May-June 2017 Diploma of I degree for the report «Comparison of methods for calculating residual watering in oil field preparation» at the XXI International Scientific Symposium named after Academician M. A. Usov «Problems of geology and exploration of mineral resources», Tomsk, TPU, April 2017.

Diploma of II degree for the report «Conversion of the propane-butane fraction to aromatic hydrocarbons on zeolite-containing catalysts» at the «XXII International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov of students and young scientists dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.A. Obrucheva, the 135th anniversary of the birth of Academician MA Usov, founders of the Siberian Mining and Geology School, and the 110th anniversary of the first graduation of mining engineers in Siberia», Tomsk, TPU, April 2018.