Anastasiia M. Grinkevich was born on October, 9 1989 in Tomsk, Tomsk region, Russia.
In 2006 A. Grinkevich graduated with a gold medal from the high school №24 of Tomsk specializing in English. While she was being trained at the school, she has completed the full two-year profile course according to the confirmed program and has passed the examinations in “Translation of scientific and engineering literature”.
In 2006 she enrolled at the Tomsk State University, the Faculty of Economics, Department of Taxes and Taxation. In 2011 A. Grinkevich graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the Tomsk State University with the degree «Tax specialist». While studying at the University, she became the laureate of the Tomsk region competition in the field of education, science and culture and the laureate of the scholarship of the Tomsk region Governer.
In 2011 A. Grinkevich enrolled in full-time PhD course of the Tomsk State University, the Faculty of Economics (specialization 08.00.10 – Finance, Money Circulation and Credit). June, 20 2013 she defended her PhD thesis «Efficient and equitable system of small business taxation on the base of the patent model» in advance and has been given PhD degree.
In 2014 A. Grinkevich graduated with honors from the Law School of the Tomsk State University with the degree «Lawyer».
In 2016 A. Grinkevich was accepted as an assistant of the Department of Natural Resources Economics, the Institute of Natural Resources of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Sphere of scientific interest: tax policy, problems of taxation, tax administration.