Lectures and practicums with bachelors and masters in various academic disciplines, associated with the use of instruments and methods for research: kinetic phenomena and the composition of different mixtures.
Course – Mass-spectrometric analysis methods Is the first part of the course "Measurements of physical quantities." The preparation and use of isotope production is impossible without controlling the composition of products with a mass spectrometer. Modern mass-spectrometric methods and devices also allow determine the composition of the mixture of organic substances. The lecture course covers all the basic mass spectrometry instruments and methods of decrypting the mass spectra. Read on for bachelors.
Course - Kinetics of physical and chemical phenomena and processes, methods of their study Kinetic phenomena occur in all technological processes. Despite the diversity, kinetic phenomena characterized by laws that could be described the same equations. Isotope production on an industrial scale is characterized by the presence of vacuum in the processing chain. Implementation any of the process is impossible without control of various parameters. Initially, therefore, consider the technological apparatus for the vacuum. Further study of the subject related to the study of the fundamentals of electrical measurements and sensors of physical quantities. Main part of the subject is devoted to the laser, spectral and X-ray diagnostic techniques. Read on for bachelors and masters.
Course - Methods and tools for the study of kinetic phenomena Is the final part of the course "Measurements of physical quantities." Course devoted to the methods of paramagnetic resonance for the diagnosis of substance parameters. In addition to devices and methods for decoding the paramagnetic resonance spectra of paramagnetic effects in the matter are considered. Read on for the masters.