1985-1992 Elementary School in Tomsk, Russia
1993-1995 Gymnasium in Tomsk, Russia
1995-1998 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia Undergraduate Education in Inorganic Chemistry
1999-2000 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia MS’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry and Ecology (Master's Thesis: "Investigation of Adsorption Processes on Natural Adsorbents")
2000-2003 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia Ph.D. in Chemistry and Technology ( Technology of hard and silicate materials) Ph.D. Thesis: "The Production of Silicate-carbonate Adsorbents for Water Purification" PhD Advisor: Prof. Alexander Ilyin
February 2002 – June 2003 The Pedagogical Course “Teacher of High Education”, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
June 2003 The Programme “Management of Education”, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
January 2004 – June 2006 English Language Course at the upper intermediate level, Institute of Languages and Communication, Tomsk, Russia December 2005 Research training in the Research and Education Center «Physics and Chemistry of High-Energy Systems», Tomsk, Russia September 2006 Research training at the Division of Corrosion Science, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
March 2008 Research training in the Research and Education Center «Physical and Chemical Method for Producing nanostructured materials», Tomsk, Russia
June 2008 Research-educative training in ITRI, Taiwan
November -December 2008 Research training at the Faculty of Science, Bourges, France
August 2010 Research training at the Laboratory of New Materials, MISIS, Moscow, Russia
September -December 2010 Advanced training “Professional Development of staff reserve in Higher School”, Tomsk, Russia