Гладких Марина Алексеевна

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Старший преподаватель

Вн. телефон: 2920
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Engineer of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration since 1989 year
Postgraduate studies at the Tomsk Polytechnic University since 2001 year
Teaching assistant of the Department of Geology and Oil Field Development since 2007 year
The senior teacher of the Department of Geology and Oil Field Development since 2007 year
Education: Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Speciality: Hydrogeology and geological engineering
Courses taught in the current academic year:
 • «Reservoir geology Basics»;
 • «Underground hydromechanics»;
 • «Geological support the development of oil and gas fields»;
Curator of group 2B2I
Responsible for the department for organizing the distribution of students to practice and employment of graduates
•1996 year - Jubilee honorary diploma for conscientious work and contribution to the development objectives of TPU
•2004 year - Diploma of additional (to higher) education "Teacher of high school"
•2008 year - Diploma of the winner of the third degree of competition for the textbook "Practical work for fulfillment of educational and scientific works of students" Applied Geology "in the contest" The best textbook without neck "
•2008 year - Second degree Medal "For participation in the development of Tomsk Polytechnic University" and Diploma
•2009 year- Certificate of professional development on the program «Fundamentals of information competence of the university teachers»
•2012 year – Certificate of participation in the training course held in the Siberian Training Center;
•2014 year - Certificate of Merit for many years of hard work in geology, his great personal contribution to the development of the "Day of Geologist" mineral resource base of Russia in connection with the professional holiday
•2014 year - Certificate of Merit for his long and fruitful work in connection with the anniversary
•2014 year – Completion certificate of the school – seminar program “Career counseling students and graduates. Fundamentals of practical application of techniques "Profkarera”
•2014 year - Certificate of professional development on the program "Diagnosis professional preferences and career development of students TPU"
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
2016 © Tomsk Polytechnic University