06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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As part of the discipline "Electric power supply and" addresses issues related to the electrical and power supply. In studying this discipline a lot of attention paid to electric machines and transformers. We consider the device and operation of transformers, asynchronous and synchronous machines and DC machines. For electric cars are also the issues of starting, mechanical characteristics and methods of speed control. The classification of power, questions of power from the grid and mobile mobile power plants, as well as their concepts. Special attention is paid to industrial power consumers of their performance in terms of reliability of power supply and operating modes. We consider the electrical loads and their graphs, coefficients characterizing the load charts, as well as the methods of calculation of electrical loads. The problems of power supply voltage up to 1000 V and above 1000 V. The questions of basic electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V as well as their choice, depending on the characteristics of the environment. The features of electric voltage power supply networks up to 1000 V, the circuit and the main substation equipment.
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