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I was born in 1940 in village Kuzedeevo of Kemerovo region, is a citizen of Russia. In 1957 I graduated from high school and enrolled at the radio engineering Faculty of TPI (specialty - "Dielectrics and semiconductors.)" from which I graduated in 1962 (diploma engineer-electric) . After graduating from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI) in 1962 I worked as an engineer in “Рroblem research laboratory of electronics, dielectrics and semiconductors” of TPI. From 1970 to 1972 I studied at the graduate school. The theme my dissertation was “The effect of irradiation on the properties of solid solutions of alkali halide crystals”. In 1973 I defended my dissertation and received a degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Since 1973 I am working in Рroblem research laboratory of electronics, dielectrics and semiconductors , first as a senior researcher assistant (1975-1987) and later as a leading researcher. Directions of scientific and technical activities : Investigation of diffusion-controlled processes in ionic crystals and oxide ceramics at heating of materials by powerful beam of accelerated electrons. Radiation - thermal modification of properties of oxide ceramics. Work experience in TPU: 53 years. While working at the University I have published more than 100 scientific papers, 1 monograph. Author of 14 inventions. I was awarded a silver medal "For Services to the TPU" (2005), medals of the first degree "For participation in the development of TPU" (2012). I have the title of Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation