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02 октября 2024 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Figurko Arkady Albertovich was born in October 12th, 1961 in Tomsk Oblast, Asino

Professional data,


1978-1983 Tomsk Institute of Civil Engineering, Road Construction department, specialty "Highways"

1999-2000 Tomsk State University, The Presidential Program on training managers for enterprises of national economy of the Russian Federation
2006 defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economics on the topic "Methods of investment development projects of housing and communal services"

Work experience

1983-1986 Foreman. Soviet Army Engineer Corps
1986 Foreman. Glavtomskstroy building materials factory
1986-1987 Head of the workshop. Glavtomskstroy building materials factory
1987 Senior Engineer of the operational and production department. Glavtomskstroy building materials factory
1987-1989 Senior Engineer of Research department. Tomsk Institute of Civil Engineering
1989 Researcher of the Highways department. Tomsk Institute of Civil Engineering
1989-1990 Software Engineer. Glavtomskstroy building materials factory
1990-1992 1st category Engineer - surveyor. Tomskavtodor Project Bureau
1992-1999 Software Engineer. Small Scientific Innovation Enterprise "Dorsib"
1999-2001 Software Engineer. "Indore-Znak Ltd."
2001-2002 Self-employed
2002-2003 Chief Specialist, Department of Energy, Transport, Communications and Roads. Administration of Tomsk Oblast
2003 An individual entrepreneur
2003-2007 Senior Lecturer. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
2013-2014 Head of Department, Associate Professor. Russian State Social University (Tomsk Branch)
2007-2015 Associate Professor of Tomsk State Architectural University
2014-2015 State Road Supervision for Tomsk region. deputy chief
2015 up to now Associate Professor, Department of Management, Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences and Technologies , Tomsk Polytechnic University
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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