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14 февраля 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Physics for foreign students of preparatory department
The course "Physics" is a part of the additional educational program which
provides training of international students to the development of professional
educational programs of engineering and technical directions in Russian
The aim of teaching this course is the formation of an international listener's
ability to use the basic concepts and methods of physics in the study of general
and special courses as well as to solve professional problems.
The tasks of learning the course are:

  • to prepare listeners to pass the entrance test in "Physics" in Russian;
  • to study the main sections of the base course of physics in Russian.
As a result of teaching of the course the international listeners will be able to:
  • use terminology, vocabulary and structures that are typical for the language of physics in Russian;
  • represent the concepts of physics science in speech and writing in Russian and use them in the educational process of further training in the chosen direction.
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