Discipline/Course: Ecology
Instructor: Fedorchuk U.M., PhD
Contact details: +7 909 546 49 48, email: ufed@mail.ru
Course objective and content The course “Ecology” gives a general overview of ecological principles and how those principles influence the world around us. This course is intended to teach the students the fundamental concepts of ecology, the legal basis of environmental protection, peculiarities of the interaction of modern society and nature, the methods and techniques of nature protection against pollutants. After studying this course the students will be able to apply the basic principles of environmental laws for making the design decisions in their professional activities.
Course outline: Lecture 1: Ecology; Lecture 2: Biosphere Ecosystems; Lecture 3: Cycles of energy and matterLecture: Sustainability and degradation of ecosystems; Lecture 4: Biogenesis cycles; Lecture 5: Natural Resources of the Earth; Lecture 6: Loss of soil; Lecture 7: Energy Resources; Lecture 8: The structure of the atmosphere. Degradation of the atmosphere; Lecture 9: Hydrosphere degradationLecture; Lecture 10: Prevention of air pollution; Lecture 11: Degradation of the lithosphere.
Course delivery: One semester, 18 weeks
Final assessment: Pass/fail test
Course Developer: Fedorchuk U.M., PhD