Discipline/Course: Safety and Health
Instructor: Fedorchuk U.M., PhD
Contact details: +7 909 546 49 48, email: ufed@mail.ru
The main objective of the discipline “Safety and Health” is the formation of students' of professional safety culture, which means the readiness and ability of the individual to use an obtained set of knowledge and skills to ensure safety in the area of professional activity, as well as the nature of thinking and values, in which safety issues are considered as a priority.
Course outline: Lecture 1 Introduction; Lecture 2 Legislation; Lecture 3 Theory of Fundamentals Ergonomics; Lecture 4 Ergonomics; Lecture 5 Industrial sanitation; Lecture 6. Electromagnetic radiation; Lecture 7. Lighting; Lecture 8. ES and Fire and explosion safety; Lecture 9. Machines and mechanisms; Lecture 10. Electrical safety.
Course delivery: One semester, 18 weeks
Final assessment: Pass/fail test
Course Developer: Fedorchuk U.M., PhD