1. Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis Institute of Natural Resources, Institute of High Technology Physics Areas of bachelor training 18.03.01. «Chemical techology» and 18.03.02. «Energy- efficient and resource-saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology» Autum semester - Lectures 16 hours
- Laboratory works 24 hours
- Seminars 8 hours
- Self study 60 hours
Spring semester - Lectures 16 hours
- Laboratory works 34 hours
- Self study 60 hours
Aims of course: - Formation of the ability to understand the nature and essence of phenomena and processes in various chemical and physical-chemical systems underlying chemical and instrumental methods for identification and determination of substances
- Formation of abilities to justify the selection of the optimal method, circuit analysis, the registration conditions of the analytical signal based on the theoretical position of the chemical and instrumental analytical methods
- Formation of creative thinking, combining fundamental knowledge of the basic laws of chemical and instrumental methods of analysis and then performing quantitative and qualitative analyzes and mathematical processing of analysis results, taking into account the metrological characteristics
- Formation of skills of independent performance of qualitative and quantitative analysis of certain industrial and natural objects and error estimates at all stages