Дорожко Елена Владимировна
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент
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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Research interest
Electrochemistry and bioelectrochemistry especially

As part of the research team Dorozhko E.V. is the leader and the executor of a number of research works on projects and grants of programs and funds of different levels

Project manager

  • Federal Targeted Project, Project № 16.512.11.2199 of Activity 1.2 on the topic « Development of an automated voltammetric analyzer of thiol compounds in human blood serum for timely diagnosis of the preclinical stage of epilepsy ». (2011 year)
  • Federal Targeted Project, Project № 14.B37.21.1183 on the topic «Comparative studies of the antioxidant activity of natural objects by physicochemical methods of analysis». (2012-2013 years)
  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young scientists of young candidates of sciences №МК on the topic «Development of an automated voltammetric analyzer of thiol compounds in human serum». (2013-2014 years)

  • Laureate of the competition for the year by the title of "Scientist of the Year" (2012 year)
  • Entry to the gallery of honor of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University on the results of activities for 2012 year(2013 year)
  • The winner of the "Tomsk Oblast Prize in the field of education, science, health and culture" on the nomination "Prizes for young scientific and scientific pedagogical workers, specialists, doctoral students and post-graduate students under the age of 35 years", under the heading "Natural Sciences" (2013 year)
  • Laureate of the competition of the faculty of the university at the end of the year for the title "Teacher of the Year" (2013 year)
  • Entry to the gallery of honor of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University on the results of activities for 2013 (2014 year)
  • Diploma and bronze medal at the 113th International Salon of Inventions "Concours LEPINE" for the development of "Analyzer of thiol compounds in human blood" (with co-authors Korotkova E.I., Voronova O.A.) in the exhibition center Paris expo porte de versailles, Paris, France (2014 year)