Ерофеев Владимир Иванович
Доктор технических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор

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Scientific-pedagogical activity 1970 - 1972 - Junior Researcher of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (IPC SB RAS, Tomsk) 1972 - 1975 - post-graduate student of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (IPC SB RAS) 1976 - 1981 - junior researcher IPC SB RAS 1979 - PhD in "physical chemistry" 1981 - 1985 - Head of the research group IPC SB RAS 1985 - 1994 - Head of the Laboratory IPC SB RAS. 1988 - academic title of senior researcher VAK in "physical chemistry" 1994 - 1996 - Head of the Laboratory of Research Center "TNKhK" 1996 - 1998 - Head of the Research Center of "TNKhK" 1998 - doctor of technical sciences in the field of "physical chemistry", "Petrochemicals" 1998 - 2007 - Head of the Laboratory UNTR Ltd. "Tomskneftekhim" 1999 - academic title of Professor WAC specialty "Petrochemicals" 2003 - State the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation" 2007 - present - Professor of GRNM IPR TPU 2011 – academic title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) 2012 – academic title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE) 2013 - academic title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE
Education Basic education 1970 - degree in "Chemistry" (TSU Faculty of Chemistry). 1972-1975 - post-graduate of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (Tomsk). 1979 - PhD in "physical chemistry" 1998 - doctor of technical sciences in the field of "physical chemistry", "Petrochemicals".
Education Basic education 1970 - degree in "Chemistry" (TSU Faculty of Chemistry). 1972-1975 - post-graduate of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS (Tomsk). 1979 - PhD in "physical chemistry" 1998 - doctor of technical sciences in the field of "physical chemistry", "Petrochemicals".
Provided disciplines
Oil and gas chemistry
Tomsk Polytechnic University
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