13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Research interests: functional materials based on MAX phases and SiC, pre-ceramic papers, high-temperature materials, spark plasma sintering

H-index: 4 (Scopus)<-p>

Experience of participation in scientific projects:

- Executor. Theme "Development of scientific bases for gradient ceramic materials based on MAX phases synthesis from preceramic paper by spark plasma sintering", agreement between TPU and the Russian Science Foundation № 19-19-00192, 2019 - 2021

- Executor. Theme "Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Safety of Hydrogen Power Systems", agreement between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Tomsk Polytechnic University No. 075-03-2021-287/6, 2021 - 2023

Main research results for 2019 - 2022

- Methods of ceramic composites based on silicon carbide and MAX-phase systems Ti-Si-C, Ti-Al-C, (Ti,Zr)-Si-C formation from pre-ceramic papers by SPS method were developed

- The regularities of kinetic processes of spark plasma sintering of composites based on silicon carbide and MAX-phases from preceramic papers have been established

- The regularities of the phase and structural state change of the ceramic composites based on silicon carbide and MAX-phases depending on the ICP parameters have been established

- The features of changes in physical-mechanical properties of the formed ceramic materials depending on the parameters of the SPS and their phase composition have been established