Лисичко Елена Владимировна
Кандидат педагогических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Доцент

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27 июля 2024 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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Formation of readiness of engineering students for professional work in the study of physics (published 17 articles, 20 abstracts, published 3 textbooks)

Participation in the development of "TPU Internet Lyceum" educational content project.

Work to attract entrants into the TPU.

The organization and management of the project "University of the Sabbath."

The organization and opening of specialized classes in various regions.

Work on the creation of a unique platform for students of engineering design that allows you to create projects on important scientific fields together with the TPU tutors.

ORGANIZATION OF JOINT ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS IN PRACTICAL CLASSES: COMPETENCE APPROACH IN THE FORMATION OF PHISICAL IDEAS AT THE PROJECT LEVEL The technique and the model of physics teaching in core classes and the Technical University on the basis of the joint activities of students. Gave specific examples of the formation of physical ideas at the project level on the basis of the traditional problems of conventional physics course school and university. We present an evaluation system of knowledge, skills, competencies, students in traditional and problem-oriented work in a team, combining the traditional scoring of students' knowledge and competencies assessment project.