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Discipline "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" Lecture presentations, practical and laboratory classes for the bachelors of IHSST for the following specialties: 08 01 00 "Economy" 38 03 02 «Management» Together with the creative team, lot of diplomas were won in the competitions of scientific and methodical work at TPU. The lecture presentations are developed; practical classes are conducted using the developed learning system; virtual laboratory classes are provided. The teaching materials were developed. The work program provides learning the general issues of natural science; history of natural science with a formation of the mechanical world pictures, electromagnetic and quantum-field pictures; the scientific method; the origin of the Universe and life on Earth; the phenomenon of self-organization; achievements of modern natural science, etc. For individual work, the course is given in MOODLe (http://mdl.lcg.tpu .ru). Practical classes are organized using a learning system comprising the theory, test tasks, feedback. Students prepare interesting presentations about ancient civilizations in the week conference. Discipline "Physical Bases of Nanomaterials and Technologies" The lecture presentations are given, practical classes are conducted in the computer lab for the bachelors of PTI, the specialty 03 03 02 Physics, the specialization "Physics of Condensed State". The teaching materials were developed. The course considers the special properties of nanomaterials, physical factors of special properties, application, and technologies of production. Students find the characteristics of nanomaterials selected for the study (coinciding with the scientific work) in the Internet, compile a table with the properties of nanomaterials in micro and nanostructures, explain the reasons of changes in the properties, and prepare the material for the paper. The project method is used for successful writing papers. Students publish the work in the Journal "International Student Research Bulletin" (including the students from China). Student works are presented on the website. Thus, students gain experience in finding and presentation of information material and knowledge of the most innovative modern science.