Areas of research activity: - 1968–1972. For the first time experimental data on the mean free path π0- mesons in nuclear matter in the area of Δ (1232) - resonance.
- 1972–1979. For the first time the experimental data on the cross sections ηN- interaction in resonance S11 (1535).
- 1980–1992. Participation in the creation on the lake Baikal deep-water detector of muons and neutrinos.
- 1992–1995. Participation in the creation in the Tunka Valley (50 km north of the lake Baikal) pilot prototype of Russia's first wide-Cherenkov detector γ- quanta of ultrahigh energies (more than 10 TeV) to search for local γ- astronomical objects in the Universe.
- 1990–2002. Participation in the work entitled "Study of the mechanism of acceleration of ions colliding plasma magnetosonic shock waves" on this subject has been received 2 grants RFFI (1993, 1997). There was a beam of deuterons with energies up to 10 MeV, which corresponded to accelerate rate of 100 MeV / m.
- 2002–2004. For the first time in the nuclear reactor, search for a hypothetical channel 235U fission neutrons with access 0- mesons (grant RFFI). Received the strongest in the world to limit the likelihood of such a process.
- 2004–2007. For the first time, in a nuclear reactor, an experimental study of high-energy part of the spectrum γ- quanta (> 20 MeV) produced in the fission of 235U nuclei with neutrons. For the region of 36-90 MeV determine the upper limit for the probability of emission of γ- quanta. The experimental data do not confirm any of the theoretical models describing the yield of gamma - rays in the energy range 30-100 MeV is due to the coherent bremsstrahlung of fission fragments in a Coulomb field. This requires a revision of theoretical models. The experimental data on the energy spectrum of γ- quanta included in the database of the IAEA EXFOR X4 dataset41507.
- 2007–2014. Manual work of finding the hypothetical entities - associated nuclear forces neutrons, neutron nucleus. In 2014, it announced the discovery of the neutron nucleus - octaneutrons in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf, in an article in a foreign magazine.
- 1998-2014. Participation, as part of the international collaboration (Russia, Poland, USA, Slovakia, Kazakhstan), in a study of reactions between light nuclei (pd, dd, d3He ...) at energies hundreds of eV unit keV. The relevance of the study of reactions between light nuclei in the astrophysical energy region due to the possibility of testing fundamental symmetries in strong interactions, as well as the ability to resolve a number of problems existing in astrophysics.
To address these challenges international collaboration has developed a method using a high-intensity ion beams generated in the process of implosion or dispersal liner plasma -direct and inverse Z- pinches (plasma accelerators ISE SB RAS). In the 2000- 2001 biennium. For the first time measured the S- astrophysical factor and effective cross sections of the reaction d + d = 3He + n at collision energies 1.8 ÷ 2.3 keV using direct Z- pinch (grant RFFI together with the JINR, 2000) In 2002, the first measured S- astrophysical factor and effective cross-section of the reaction d + d = 3He + n at a collision energy of 3.69 keV, using a inverse Z- pinch. In 2003, the first time an upper limit on the cross section of the reaction pd - 3He + γ and astrophysical S- factor in the collision energies 3 ÷ 7 keV (inverse Z- pinch) (grant RFFI together with the JINR, 2003) The results of the experiments, the team of authors collaboration was awarded 1 st Prize of JINR for 2000. - 2004-2014. under the initiative work, supported by financing JINR (Dubna) TPU designed and developed by:
- Hall ion accelerator, which allows to accelerate the plasma ions H +, D + and 3He + in the energy range 6-40 keV, with the number of accelerated ions in impulse- 5 1014 particles, with a pulse duration -8-10 microseconds and a frequency of f = 0.07 Hz;
- Complex of detectors for detection of neutrons from the reaction d(d,n)3He, including: 8 detectors based on plastic scintillators (100 × 100 × 375 mm) with a neutron detection efficiency of 23%; Two thermal neutron detectors, each consisting of 10 tubes filled proportional 3He, placed in a retarder;
- A detection system for registering γ- rays from the reaction d(p,γ)3He, comprising: eight detectors based scintillators NaI(Tl) (100 × 100 × 375 mm) with detection efficiency γ- rays with energy of 5.5 MeV 30%;
- Hardware - software system based on three four-channel digital storage oscilloscope TEKTRONIX, for information about the parameters of the process of generating a flow of accelerated deuterons, energy distribution, determine the number of detected neutrons, γ- rays;
- Software for the analysis of the information received from the detectors, for processing historical data and mathematical modeling of the processes.
- For the first time, using a pulsed plasma accelerator of the Hall, a wide range of studies on the measurement of the potentials of the electronic screening, and energy dependence of the astrophysical S-factors for the dd-reaction occurs in deuterides titanium, zirconium and tantalum in the temperature range 20 ÷ 200 °C and energy deuterons 6 ÷ 12 keV;
For the first time obtained the spectrum of a very important and unexpected results on the study of the pd -reaction -which certainly is an incentive to continue further studies in order to obtain answers to the existing questions about the mechanisms of this process. First received information about the energy dependence of the neutron yield from d(d,n)3He-reaction in textured titanium deuteride target of preferred orientation of the microcrystals in the direction [100]. It is shown that the energy dependence of the enhancement factor dd-reaction is described not only the potential of screening, but also in the framework of a simple accounting effects of channeling deuterons in the crystal lattice. The results of the experiments, the team of authors collaboration was awarded 2 nd Prize of JINR for 2014.