Introduction to Information Technology Introduction to the history of development of information technologies, their main applications, programming languages and principles of the development of software applications.
Programming Technologies Introduction to the basics of object-oriented programming, learning basic techniques and principles of software development using object-oriented approach.
Operating Systems Introduction to the Unix operating system and the practical skills of working with it.
Information Security The study of methods and algorithms for the protection of information, the history of their development, application and software implementation of the basic methods of data encryption (Polybius method, replacement method, the method of matrix multiplication, method of RSA, and so on).
Intelligent Systems Introduction to intelligent systems, their types, how they work and practical skills in implementing.
Methods of Computational Intelligence The study of committee learning methods of artificial neural networks for solve the classification problems and their implementation.
Neural Networks The study of functioning and implementation of artificial neural networks for solve the classification problems.
Pattern Recognition The study and implementation of methods and algorithms for pattern recognition on images and video sequences.