Долганов Игорь Михайлович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 1462
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18 сентября 2024 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Dolganov I.M. is the author of 12 certificates of state registration of computer programs, has 15 articles in VAK journals, 15 in international scientific journals.

He regularly participates in Russian and international conferences at various levels.

Scientific interests:

• Mathematical modeling of reaction processes of oil refining and petrochemistry;

• Industrial catalysis;

• Simulation of industrial reactors and associated equipment;

• Processes of oil, gas and gas condensate preparation.

• Modern programming languages. Object-oriented programming.

According to the results of scientific research he won a grant "UMNIK".
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