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Developed lectures on subjects courses:

General biology and microbiology

The course "General Biology and Microbiology" natural science is a special course for bachelors enrolled in the direction of "Biotechnology". The main objectives of the course are the formation of the students' knowledge on the basics of taxonomy, structure, metabolism of living systems. Preparing them to work on the creation and use of organisms-producers on the production of biotechnological profile. Material is also the basis for a deeper study of special subjects and courses of bachelor to perform final qualifying work and degree project.
For the full assimilation of the course are important knowledge acquired by students in such disciplines as "Inorganic Chemistry", "Organic Chemistry", "Physical Chemistry", "Environment" as well as special disciplines - " General of Biotechnology".


General biotechnology

“Basics of Biotechnology” is intended for students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering and is designed to train the bachelors of Chemistry & Chemistry Engineering Faculty of the educational direction 19.04.01 “Biotechnology”. The syllabus includes the basics of microbiology, chemical basics of the life and the application of modern biotechnology. The great attention is spared to the genetic engineering and biotechnology application to produce the main industrial products (e.g. food production) including the production of new drugs, transgenic organisms, biological fuel generation, and environmental biotechnology. The order of the reading of lectures, performance of practices with the instruction of contact and self-study hours, a rating-list and references is presented at the end of the syllabus. Prepared by L.V.Timoshenko, associate professor, Organic Chemistry & Organic Synthesis Department of the Chemistry & Chemistry Engineering Faculty.


Engineering enzymology

Discipline "Fundamentals of enzymology" refers to the cycle of "Biotechnology" OOP "Biotechnology".

It is related to the following disciplines: "Organic Chemistry", "Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", "Fundamentals of Biotechnology", "Fundamentals of Biology and Microbiology", "Applied aspects of biochemistry" and discipline "Applied aspects of molecular biology."

For the successful development of the discipline "Fundamentals of enzymology" students should have a clear knowledge of the school course "Biology" subject detected using "input" control. In addition, students need to know the general, inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology.

The relevance of the teaching of this discipline due to the fact that by now obtained new theoretical data on the mechanisms of action of enzymes, greatly expanded their list and scope of technological processes, including the production of medicinal substances technologies and biologically-active substances.

It follows that the engineer biotechnology need modern concepts of enzymology, so on this basis to plan and develop new areas of scientific and practical activities.
Prerequisite subjects: "Organic Chemistry", "General Biology and Microbiology", "Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", "Fundamentals of Biotechnology".

Theoretical Aspects of Applied Biotechnology

The discipline "Theoretical aspects of applied biotechnology" refers to the base of the module of general subjects.
Improve understanding of the discipline "Theoretical Aspects of Applied Biotechnology" development of these disciplines (Prerequisites):
• General biology and microbiology
• Fundamentals of Biotechnology
• Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The contents of the sections of discipline "Theoretical Aspects of Applied Biotechnology" agreed with the content of subjects studied in parallel (KOREKVIZITY):
• Cellular Biotechnology.


The use of biotechnology in the production of BAS

The objectives of the development of the discipline "Using biotechnology techniques in the production of biologically active substances" are:

• on the basis of knowledge and skills acquisition of the skills required for self-realization in the industrial-technological and design activities in the field of high-tech processes of modern medicines and healthcare products;

• on the basis of knowledge and skills acquisition of the skills required for self-realization in the industrial-technological and design activities in the field of high-tech processes of modern medicines and healthcare products;

• on the basis of knowledge and skills acquisition of the skills required for self-realization in the organization and management of activities related to the implementation of interdisciplinary projects in the field of biotechnology, including in an international team;

• Formation of personal qualities that ensure self-development and professional self-improvement; proactive stance and ability to take responsibility for their decision.

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