Чернова Оксана Сергеевна
Доктор геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор
Лаборатория разработки месторождений нефти и газа, Ведущий эксперт

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30 января 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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21.04.01 Oil and Gas Engineering


of Earth Sciences and Engineering


for Oil and Gas Engineering

Educational Program

Petroleum Engineering


Petroleum Geosciences



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Petroleum Geosciences is a discipline concerned with the subsurface activities related to the production of hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or natural gas. Petroleum Geosciences is not a well-defined academic subject. It includes many different aspects of the Earth sciences which are used in petroleum exploration and production. Nearly all types of insight can in some cases be useful in petroleum exploration, but there are some disciplines that are most relevant. Since petroleum is formed and hosted in sedimentary rocks, sedimentology is critical. Palaeontology is important for dating rocks and carbonate reservoirs may consist mostly of fossils. Structural geology and basin analysis are also vital for reconstructing the migration and trapping of petroleum. Geochemistry and petroleum chemistry are also important. Geophysical methods are essential for logging and seismic exploration, and recently electromagnetic methods have also been used in exploration and production. Petroleum engineering requires a good knowledge of many other related disciplines, such as geophysics, petroleum geology, formation evaluation (well logging), drilling, economics, reservoir simulation, well engineering, artificial lift systems, and oil & gas facilities.

Author of the Course study:

Chernova Oksana S., DSc

Academic title: Professor


of Earth Sciences and Engineering


for Oil and Gas Engineering

Educational Program

Petroleum Engineering


Reservoir Sedimentology



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Introduction to various aspects of Applied Sedimentology, characterization of the main natural reservoirs. The manual deals with the basics of Reservoir Sedimentology, peculiarities of working with the core in determining the conditions of sedimentation, the methodology of textural, electrometric and facies analysis using the textural characteristics of rocks of different genesis. Characterization of sedimentation environments and facies is given, with further progression from the basics of the course to the use of sedimentological data in the study of sedimentary reservoirs and the influence of sediment accumulation features on reservoir properties and the development process.

Author of the Course study:

Chernova Oksana S., DSc

Academic title: Professor