Стебелькова Светлана Сергеевна
Кандидат филологических наук

Научно-образовательный центр Б.П. Вейнберга, Доцент (отпуск)

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12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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  1. The major research interests: Ph.D. student from 11.12.08 at the Department of VEPT ENMF (supervisor Krivobokov V.P., Consultant Petrasova T.G.). The topic of scientific research is «Language for specific purposes: Radiant and Plasma Technology in terminological aspect.
  2. The presentation of the report «The specific of radiant and plasma technology’s terms» in the VIII International Seminar» Innovations in theory and practice of lexicography: Synchronic and diachronic approaches. 2009, Ivanovo
  3. Participation in the VII International Scientific Conference «Applied Philology: ideas, concepts, projects,» 2009, TPU
  4. Participation in the IX Annual International Conference «Languages in the Modern World» May 23-25, 2010, TSU
  5. Participation in the conference «Improving the content and technology learning process» with a presentation on «Method of project implementation of the integrative approach in the formation of professional competence in the field of PEI in future professionals.» 2010, TPU.
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