Брусник Олег Владимирович
Кандидат педагогических наук

Отделение автоматизации и робототехники, Доцент
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01 февраля 2025 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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Brusnik Oleg Vladimirovich was born in Slavgorod, Altai Territory (November 18, 1974). Brusnik Oleg Vladimirovich graduated from Tomsk State Pedagogical University in 1997. After training, he entered the graduate school TGPU. Since 2000, he worked as an assistant at the Professorial chair of General Physics. In 2007 he has presented a thesis had successfully presented the thesis. In the period from 2008 to 2014 Brusnik Oleg has worked as a lecturer of the Department of General Physics Chair for. Brusnik’s educational work is characterized by professionalism and creative attitude. Lecture courses such as "General Physics", "Classical Mechanics" and "Concepts of modern natural sciences" were read at a high scientific and methodological level. He has conducted laboratory and practical classes on "General and Experimental Physics" and the writing of term papers and graduation works. From November 2014 to the present, through a competitive selection process, he works as assistant professor of the Professorial chair of transportation and storage of oil and gas in TPU. He reads lectures, conducts project works on subjects "Building constructions", "Maintenance and repair of oil and gas", "Building control and diagnostics of pipelines", "Technology and organization of construction of oil and gas pipelines." Brusnik’s Oleg Vladimirovich scientific interests are innovative educational technologies in the field of oil and gas engineering. Brusnik Oleg Vladiirovich has 9 publications, including 4 in refereed HAC journals and 1 study guide.
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