Vladimir Boyko is one of the leading representatives of Tomsk school of physicists. Professor V.I.Boyko - known in Russia and abroad as an expert in the field of interaction of powerful fluxes of ionizing radiation with matter, and nuclear power. He has published 304 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 2 monographs, 10 textbooks, 27 patents. Boyko VI He made a significant contribution to the development of scientific disciplines in science and technology. They first developed the foundations of the theory of the interaction of high-power pulses of ionizing radiation and plasma with condensed media. Boyko VI actively develops scientific direction connected to nuclear power. As a result, computational research results obtained to prove the prospect of an open fuel cycle with thorium. A related trend is the development of new methods of manufacturing materials, sought atomic energy. Boyko VI It has developed a technology to produce new materials by SHS. Synthesized materials having high emission parameters and materials having unique protective properties from ionizing radiation. The technology of increase of operational properties of materials by modifying them with powerful streams of charged and neutral particles.
Boyko VI It is the holder of 27 certificates of authorship and 1 patent.
Practical use found 9 inventions. Among them, "Tapered collimator", "screen for protection against ionizing radiation," "method of shock waves determine the depth degeneracy" et al.
Boyko Activities aimed at the creation and development of scientific schools. The greatest success was achieved in two research directions: "Interaction of powerful ionizing radiation fluxes with matter" and "Development of open-thorium fuel cycle." The importance of scientific achievements Boyko VI supported by references to his work as a Russian and foreign researchers.
As part of the emerging scientific fields Boyko VI He formed the "Research Center of physical and chemical phenomena." Organizational activity Boyko VI allowed to open the training of engineers at TPU in "Safety and non-proliferation of nuclear materials."
Boyko VI It takes an active part in the education and training of scientific personnel. Under his personal leadership reserved 10 master's and doctoral dissertation. He is Chairman of the Board of DS 212.025.01. for the defense of doctoral theses. The most talented students Boyko VI occupy leadership positions in the ministries, agencies, enterprises and research institutions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.