2015 г. Bogdanova Ju.V. , Rodimova O.B. On the ck-correlation in the 9.6 μm O3 band // Proceedings of SPIE. 21th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics Atmospheric Physics. 2015. V.9680. 03. (9680-79). 8 p.( ТГПУ)
2014 Bogdanova Ju.V., Klimeshina T.E., Rodimova O.B. A description of the H2O absorption in the 3−5 μm spectral region in violation of the long-wave approximation in line wings // Proceedings of SPIE. 20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics Atmospheric Physics. 2014. V.9292. 0G. 6 p.