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18 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя нечетная
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Theory of algorithms.
Discipline aims to familiarize the undergraduate with the basic concepts and methods of the theory of algorithms, focusing on their use in practical, research and scientific activities. As a result of mastering the discipline a student should be attained the following results: to develop an algorithm for solving the problem, formalize the problem of certain classes in terms of the theory of algorithms.
Computer systems, networks and telecommunications
The basic model of network devices, protocols, their interaction as well as active network equipment configuration skills. Implemented Course Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching in the curriculum.
Administrative Information Systems
The basic skills of the administration of server operating systems, Windows and Unix families. We study the interaction of network equipment with a server part.
Informatics and Programming

Studied the basic components of a personal computer, the logical device and the basic input-output device. We consider the introductory programming concepts.
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