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In 1971, after graduation from the Electrophysics Faculty, Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, Anatoliy A. Bespal'ko worked as an engineer, senior engineer in the Problem Research Laboratory “Electronics, Dielectrics and Semiconductors”, TPI.
Within that period, he dealt with problems of terrestrial electricity and was involved in in the work to develop a method for geodynamic phenomena forecasting in the parameters of Earth's natural pulse electromagnetic fields (ENPEMF).
Anatoliy A. Bespal'ko was engaged in the ENPEMF research as a group leader, the leader of research expeditions (in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva, Lake Baikal, Slyudyanka mine, Tynda, and others) and the leader of the team to perform economic contracts. In research expeditions, the first systematic results on ENPEMF were obtained at daily measurements, in rock profiling, in underwater and underground research and in conditions of high electrification of rocks in asbestos deposits. The yield of rocks and their contacts was shown to affect the air-earth lightning discharge concentration during thunderstorm.
In 1976, he began to explore the acoustic phenomena in solid-state materials and patterns of their destruction in exposure to high-current electron beams.
In 1977, Anatoliy A. Bespal'ko started a post graduate program and conducted research under the guidance of Professor G.A. Mesyats. He defended his thesis "Acoustic emission of solids under the effect of intense nanosecond electron beams" and got the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences.
During his graduate studies and work at the Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, the piezoelectric and interferometric techniques to study the amplitude-time parameters of acoustic pulses excited in solids by high-current electron beams of different energies were developed. The effect of this exposure was studied for certain materials (metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, organic and inorganic materials).
Themoelastic and electrostrictive mechanisms of acoustic signal excitation in different materials were studied. The patterns of nanosecond acoustic signal effect on dislocation flow, micro-crack opening and destruction of fragile materials were reveled. The parameters and characteristics for propagation of nanosecond pulses of compression in certain materials under irradiation by high-current electron beams were studied and determined.
The developed methods: acoustic dosimetry of nanosecond electron beams; electronic-acoustic flaw detection of thin layers of materials; radiation-acoustic sensing of volume charges in solids to study the kinetics of charge accumulation and relaxation.
Since 2000 till now, he has been working as a leading researcher. He continued his work in the Problem Research Laboratory “Electronics, Dielectrics and Semiconductors”, TPU, and developed a method for monitoring changes in the stress-strain state (SSS) of rocks and short-term forecasting of geodynamic events based on the parameters of electromagnetic signals and characteristics of electromagnetic emission of the rock.
Anatoliy A. Bespal'ko was an academic adviser and co-developer of the research laboratory stands to study the parameters of electromagnetic signals (EMS) under pulsed acoustic impact and uniaxial compression of solids to the destructive values and field devices to measure electromagnetic and acoustic emission in mining.
The studies are being conducted to find the relationship between EMC parameters and changes in the rock SSS in the iron ore mine during explosions with energy of 104 to 109 J at depths down to 800 meters. The experimental studies in laboratory and field conditions yielded important scientific results.
The quantitative relationship of double electrical layers and EMS parameters of the acoustic effect on dielectric materials was revealed. The patterns of changes in EMS amplitude under varying charge state of the dielectric materials and contact layers were revealed. The effect of the acoustic impact duration on the spectral characteristics of EMS was found. The amplitude-frequency EMS parameters were used to identify the stages of densification, formation of failure site, pre-destruction and destruction of rock samples.
The experiments showed the best distribution of electromagnetic signals for rock contacts. This ensures reliable reception of useful information-bearing signals from the zone of impending destruction and SSS redistribution in the rock. The patterns of SSS excitation and relaxation during and after technological explosion were revealed. The frequency of electromagnetic signals at different stages of rock relaxation under explosion was found to change. From 2001 to 2015, Anatoliy A. Bespal'ko was the leader of the research teams supported by the Federal Research and Technology Target Program Grant, two grants "Integration", 7 RFBR grants, two state-financed research themes within the framework of the research and development plan of the Federal Agency for Education, the executor of the project "Science" (the Ministry of Education and Science) and economic contracts.
Over the past 5 years, more than 36 scientific and research papers and two monographs have been published. He received a patent and five certificates on mathematical programs for processing the data of electromagnetic signal measurements.