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A.U. Кarpova Tomsk State Univerity Journal. 2011. — № 352. — [С. 58-61].URL: Mechanisms of influence on mass consciousness in the field of political communication of regional public television The article describes the mechanisms of influence on mass consciousness in order to create fields in the Tomsk region of publicity. In a democratic society the structure of relations between the authorities, media and the audience should be on a single-level the parity type. However, the modern Russian society is moving towards constructing a vertical one-party power. Important role in this process is played by the media, biased by various branches of government. One-level system of communication turns into a vertical one-way conversation, in which there are only vector relationships. For a formal strategic innovations in the functioning of regional TV in the institutional system in Tomsk the strategies that involved a change of the electorate are relates as a change timing. An analysis of the construction of a regional public field in the institutional aspect during election campaigns is used as an example. Dynamics of changes in electoral behavior is indicated in the form of three stages: the romantic demagogic, evaluative and pragmatic. The mechanism of transformation of the interests and aspirations of the various forces in the real policy inevitably entailed the construction of their plots of the field of publicity, with its own theme and manipulative resource which reflect the essence of the changes in the public sphere in the political arena of the Tomsk region. It is the emergence of a new information field that is created not so much information and analysis as manipulative field of public "pseudo reality." Television today personifies the social and political contradictions, presenting them not as a clash of social interests (the stratum of local groups), but as a clash of interests of personalized power (political leaders, bureaucrats, big property owners) who are at various stages of the vertical of power and its various segments. The main conclusions were the following theses. The commercialization of the media is ordered. Power lost resource "operation by default" and for this reason it necessarily indifferent to public opinion. In this latent function is to influence the political alienation of the individual - limit participation by the political elite of the individual in the exercise of power, maintenance and cultivation of a unidirectional model of the field of publicity (the political "temperature" of the society of indifference and paternalism to the public of the rapid approval.) But this is impossible without the media and TV in particular. The basis of legitimacy in the end invariably makes people's confidence, which manifests itself not only by the tacit approval of the indifferent, but in the form of so-called "participatory democracy" - elections, referendums, meetings with politicians, demonstrations of support and protest, strikes, etc.
Functional pragmatics of public political communication as a prerequisite for loss of tolerance of civil society
A.U. Кarpova Tomsk State Univerity Journal.2012. — № 4 (20). — [С. 69-76]. URL: Functional pragmatics of public political communication as a prerequisite for loss of tolerance of civil society This article analyzes the theoretical aspects of the functioning of public political communication. N. Luman's ideas of system theory are presented as the foundation to support the hypothesis that modern mass media of Russia form "crisis communication". It manifests itself in the system violation of interaction between actors in the communicative process. Dialectical relation between the media field and political field, determination of the media goals are proposed to consider according to Pierre Bourdieu's distinguishing of features of the personifying accentuation. The transformation of political communication appears in changing of the nature of the relation between government and society. Traditional media and forms of political control over them are losing their meaning.Media have to change: to change the format, principles and mechanisms of public policy. Under the influence of social economic reforms the market relationship between media and government forms and enhances. As a result, the media become dependent from social institutions and social groups that have financial and administrative resources with certain political interests, and thereby obtain the opportunity to use the information policy for their own goals. Crisis behavior is manifested in the systematic violation of interaction: the message does not reach the addressee or it does but produce very different or unexpected and unpredictable effect.The crisis is developing in terms of lack of information and lack of trust from the recipient. The consequence of the communication crisis is the destruction of the system of common democratic values and norms, intolerance of political parties and conformity of the masses. The absence of bilateral political communicational relations, namely lack of the reverse response of the society on the government, leads to social stress, development of social conflicts, a decline in the legitimacy of political institutions, the emergence of crisis situations. The transformation of political communication appears in change of the nature of the relations between the government and society and is due to mismatch of priorities, ideology and interests of different groups of influence on crucial social and political issues. Opacity of the system in the action of the national media, maneuvering between the interests of information consumers, state agencies and interest groups, helps to change the nature of the interaction of the main actors in the communicative process, of the sources of influence on the political aspect of broadcasting, and therefore on the principles of formation and functioning of public political communication. Functional pragmatics of the media today is not conducive to the development of tolerance in the formation of civil society in Russia. All mentioned above is a measure of destructive dysfunctionality of dependent media, the loss of tolerance in the formation of the civil society. The essence of the crisis of the political field can be defined as the growing imbalance in the public space, which is reflected in the loss of their equilibrium between the government and civil society.
Learning to change
I.V. Brilina, A.U. Кarpova, D.A. Karpov. Gurrent Problems of Humanities. 2012. — [С. 214-217]. URL: Learning to change Study problems of the university educational practice and reproduction of the elite selection in the modern university was carried out on the basis of comparative analysis of higher education systems as an example of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and elite technical education at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Old new trend in determination of engineer’s competences
Karpova A.Yu., Karpov D.A., Kruchkov, Yu.Yu.Tomsk State Univerity Journal.2013. — № 376. — [С. 47-50].URL: Old new trend in determination of engineer’s competences The article provides a brief overview of definitions of modern specialist competencies, in particular a comprehension of the essence of engineering competencies. The authors take the view in which competence in general sense is understood as a triad: knowledge, skills, and the ability to effectively carry out professional activities to a high level. Experience shows that the newly minted engineers are not trained to work in a team and do not know how to build professional relationships and communication in a team. Graduates of engineering schools often fail to realize their professional knowledge because they do not have the problem-solving and skills-oriented tasks due to the lack of critical thinking. Since the quality of engineering education in technical institutions clearly does not meet modern requirements, the current task is the formation of future engineers’ core competencies which are focused on their successful professional realization. In the broad sense of the word, an education is an investment in the future. Therefore, the emphasis in educational reform should be focused on the competence-based approach which will increase the possibility of creating a competitiveness and cost efficiency invested in education. In the opinion of the majority of both Russian and foreign researchers the wide range competence includes both the key and professional competence. This article draws attention to the core competencies which include social, interpersonal, and personal. Despite the large number of studies conducted in different countries to study the competence of engineers, most of them have one common empty space, which is related to the fact that respondents generally favor students and university graduates, while a deeper understanding of the quality and the ability to apply these competencies can be detected only through the interview of the professionals who already have experience in their professional field. In this context the article provides an overview of the materials of sociological research conducted in 2009 at the University of Western Australia and focused on the study of the general competencies which are required for the successful engineers. A distinctive feature of the study is that the respondents are the "grown-up engineers" with work experience of 5 to 20 years after release. The article reveals the most important components of core competencies. The results of the survey are described and prospects for further study of the problem in the annex to the Russian system of engineering education are given. According to the authors the full and objective picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for an engineer today is the one of the keys to overcome the crisis that exists in engineering education and the general state of engineering in Russia. In order to understand how to fix the situation it is necessary to systematically investigate the composition of demands and future competencies, to improve the mechanisms for their evaluation and assessment. Taking into account these competencies and, from the personal experience, the authors offer a number of solutions that are appropriate for the trainings of successful engineers.
Markers of information anomie in Russia
A.U. Karpova.Etnosocium and ethnic culture.2013. — № 12 (66). — С. 93-98. Markers of information anomie in Russia The paper analyzes the development process of anomie in the space of information. This space is open to change, and represents the sphere of social relations in which public policy actors (i.e. politicians, representatives of financial interest groups, journalists, etc. ) realize their goals through conventional acts. Since these goals are realized in the information field it results in that the crisis of political communication leads to development and manifestation of anomie, which is defined by the author as the information anomie. Markers of information anomie are identified in the article.
IQ of regional elections: measurement of the reproduction of the power factor
A.U. Karpova.D.V. Chaykovskiy. Authority: a national scientific and political journal. 2013. — № 11. — [С. 66-70]. URL: IQ of regional elections: measurement of the reproduction of the power factor A measurement of intellectual potential of elections attempted in this paper through the definition of the factor of the reproduction of a power. A concept of symbolic capital of power is analyzed and the influence of the capital on the process of reproduction of power is determined. As an example, we consider the regional elections of the mayor of the city of Tomsk in 2013. The "quality of the electorate " and " quality of power" are suggested by the author as the criteria for measuring the reproduction of the power. The essence of these criteria is revealed and the concept of "opinions' leaders" is determined. The authors conclude that the situation of uncontested election breeds apathy and indifference of the electorate, which is actually thus expresses the distrust into government.
Show-politics or show in politics
A.U. Karpova. Authority: a national scientific and political journal. 2013. — № 8. — [С. 107-111]. URL: Show-politics or show in politics The article analyzes the new genre of public political discourse which replaces everywhere, at both the federal and the regional television, all existing ideological techniques and practices, influencing the television audience. The heyday of the genre of show politics is a consequence of the commercialization of the media, the strengthening of the market nature of the relationship between the media and the authorities. The main task of the show politics is a simulation of reality, the creation of the simulacrum, a virtual similarity analogue to a political reality. At the heart of a political discourse today is the dominant figure of the mediator-trickster, the person who plays a custom show in the genre of the show in politics.
The informational anomie: the choice on the edge of a fall
A.U. Karpova. Authority: a national scientific and political journal. 2014. — № 1. — [С. 41-45].URL: The informational anomie: the choice on the edge of a fall This paper presents an analysis of the information that influences the development of anomie as the process leading to the crisis of public political communication. The author identifies the main causes, indicators, and markers of information anomie in Russia by tracing the dynamics of growth of anomie, of the development trend of communication relations in a power-to-society system. The analysis covers the data over the last three decades and is based on the way of how the dominant society actors regulate the production and distribution of socio-political ideas. The information anomie described by the author as a process in which the communicative chain collapses because the media distort the information context. As a result, there is a substitution meaning of communication and loss of the possibility for feedbacks. By personifying social and political conflict the media represent them not as a clash of social interests (strata of local groups) but as a clash of personified interests of power (political leaders, bureaucrats, large owners).
Learning to change: the skill to learn, to communicate, and to choose
Karpova A.Yu., Karpov D.A., Kruchkov, Yu.Yu.Tomsk State Univerity Journal. 2013. — № 373. — [С. 66-69].URL: Learning to change: the skill to learn, to communicate, and to choose The article presents an overview of the educational practices in modern university based on comparative analysis of the higher education systems on examples of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and elite technical education at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The present work is focused on the gaps (lacuna) of modern engineering education and emphasizes that the primary objective of the new approach to the training of engineers is learning to change, which is based on the development of competencies. The article presents an overview of the educational practices in modern university based on comparative analysis of the higher education systems on examples of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and elite technical education at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The present work is focused on the gaps (lacuna) of modern engineering education and emphasizes that the primary objective of the new approach to the training of engineers is learning to change, which is based on the development of competencies. The article notes that the main feature of the new engineering education is the requirement for specialists to have an ability to maneuver in today's ever-changing high-tech world. The ability to change, to take and adopt all the new, to modify personal skills and behavior. According to the authors, the engineer must have the ability (and a possibility) to develop creatively his field. The knowledge obtained by students earlier in the studies of different disciplines can be aggregated and creatively organized with a new objectified information. The approach focuses on a philosophical understanding of the knowledge, the skills, and the abilities that are required to obtain the qualification of an engineer. Authors pay a special attention to the necessity to develop a teamwork skills of students, which improves the efficiency and the quality of a projects in which they are involved. The most effective method is the team work in small groups, which is widely employed in UCL. Co-working of the students at UCL is convenient due to auditorium reserve and E-card system of entrance. These conditions allow project groups to meet at any time, and use free auditoriums to discuss, work on the project, or simply share the thoughts. Such system currently is not available at TPU. This is the main obstacle to joint meetings and a team work. Spreading of this type of activity to all TPU students can not be done without a radical solution of the problem with the auditoriums. And without resolving the issue with meetings and convenient team work all attempts to introduce problem-oriented, creative, etc. projects will lead to the imitation of the team work, without a set of necessary and sufficient competence. In addition, the authors stress the demand to improve the working methods to struggle the plagiarism. According to the authors, promising methods of training to date are the training based on a game method, aimed for both an individual and group assignments, exercises, tasks, and projects. This may be a clue to the puzzle allowing to solve business problems or it could be exercises designed to focus attention, learn a discrete type of mindset, instead of common for most people continual mindset (continuous perception of a set of elements). This approach allows to teach students to choose, to be attentive to details, to create various combinations of mental constructions, to structure the incoming information.
Imperatives of information policy
A.U. Karpova. Information Society.2014.— № 2. — [С. 10-16]. Imperatives of information policy The goal of this work is to define the imperatives of information policy and to denote the challenges connected with their application. The imperatives are specially developed to describe the vector of information policy and introduced in this work for the first time. The processes developing in the information sphere are the reflection of the political sphere lead to social, economic, political changes in society. The anomy becomes the indicator of social order destruction in society. The conductors of the state information policy implementation are mass media and the Internet which in communication process ideally have to carry out interaction between the state and society. In practice, there is a destruction of system communicative interaction. We define this process as an information anomy.
Crossroad of contention: the information warfare around Ukraine
A.U. Karpova.Etnosocium and ethnic culture.2014. — № 6(72). — С.82-92. Abstract: Ukraine today is in the center of the crossroad of contention on which there is a clash of interests / ideas of major actors: Russia, USA, EU. The author states his point of view of the existing conflict of interests around Ukraine. Attempted to define the key markers of the information warfare, namely architectural, threshold, prescribed. The main conclusion is that the outcome of the information warfare is important not only for the future of Ukraine, but also for the world balance of power.
Modern organic intellectuals
A.U. Karpova.Personality.Culture.Society. magazine, 2014, volume 16, Issue 1-2 (81-82).C.213-220. URL: Abstract: Subject of study ‒ modern intelligentsia in Russia. Aim of study: justification of rise of a new kind of intellectuals, determina-tion of the main features of the new organic intellectuals and the description of the environment in which it operates. Method of study: using a comparative analysis of organic and traditional intellectuals, based on historical research of appearance of intellectuals according to Gramsci in his "Prison’s Notebooks". Secondary data analysis of sociological research is used and on the basis of it an attempt is made to identify the main features of the new organic intellectuals and to describe the environment in which it operates. Main results of the work: transformations of the political, social and eco-nomic life of modern Russia had a huge impact on not only significant changes in the prevailing ideas of the Russian intelligentsia, but on the intelligentsia itself. The traditional intellectuals are replaced by a new organic intellectuals who are formed within social network. Traditional intellectuals lose an ideological leadership and historically established social status. Value stereotypes which had historically represented the intelligentsia in Russian culture are changing. Conclusions: The new organic intellectuals suffer from deficient ideological values that are expressed in the absence of philosophical ideas and spiritual orienting aims. Traditional intellectuals should create ideology, whereas organic intellectuals should be a driving force propagating this ideology in society.
How to attract young people to science? (based on materials of sociological research) A Karpov, A Yu Karpova and Yu Yu KryuchkovPDF Involvement of young people into science at the present time is relevant not only in Russia but as well in countries with big experience in this process. The article states that profession of scientist is considered prestigious in the United States and positioned at 4th place in the rating, wheras in Russia it is only at 19th place in the similar rating. The conclusion is based on the sociological studies conducted in the United States and Russia. The authors speculate that changes in public policy in Russia, aimed at recovering of scientific potential, had an impact on young people's ideas and motivation for scientific work. The article provides an analysis of the sociological study conducted by the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), which aims to determine the willingness and possibility to engage in scientific work. The authors note that TPU entered the federal program “5-100-2020” at 4th place in the ranking of the best universities in Russia and has extensive experience, research base, international training programs, exchanges, and internships with best universities in the United States and Europe. The main conclusions of the study is that master students are ready to engage in scientific work; conditions created at the university are the backbone for the development of scientific career of the students; the highest motivation for students is the satisfaction in their scientific advisors.

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 53

  1. Method for Detecting Far-Right Extremist Communities on Social Media / A. Yu. Karpova, A. O. Savelyev, S. A. Kuznetsov, A. D. Vilnin // Social Sciences. — 2022. — Vol. 11, iss. 5. — [200, 20 p.]. — URL:

  2. The high-level overview of social media content search engine / A. O. Savelyev, A. Yu. Karpova, D. V. Chaykovskiy [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 1019 : 14th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2019). — [012097, 6 p.]. — URL:

  3. [Карпова, А. Ю.]( Скулшутинг в России: что имеет значение? = School shooting in Russia: what matters? / А. Ю. Карпова, Н. Г. Максимова // Власть. — 2021. — Т. 29, № 1. — [С. 93-108]. — URL:

  4. Кузнецов, С. А. Автоматизированное обнаружение перекрестных связей пользователей ультраправых сообществ в социальной сети = Automated detection of ultra-right communities' cross-links in a social network / С. А. Кузнецов, А. Ю. Карпова, А. О. Савельев // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология / Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет (ТГУ). — 2021. — № 59. — [С. 156-166]. — URL:

  5. [Karpova, A. Yu.]( Modeling the Process of School Shooters Radicalization (Russian Case) / A. Yu. Karpova, A. O. Savelyev, N. G. Maksimova // Social Sciences. — 2021. — Vol. 10, iss. 12. — [477, 26 p.]. — URL:

  6. [Карпова, А. Ю.]( Разработка метода оценки схожести коллекций текстов с использованием их векторных представлений, полученных методом doc2vec / А. Ю. Карпова, А. М. Ширыкалов // Молодежь и современные информационные технологии : сборник трудов XVIII Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных, 22-26 марта 2021 г., г. Томск / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Инженерная школа информационных технологий и робототехники ; под ред. Н. Г. Маркова [и др.]. — 2021. — Молодежь и современные информационные технологии. — [С. 75-76]. — URL:

  7. Новые технологии выявления ультраправых экстремистских сообществ в социальных медиа = New technologies to identify alt-right extremist communities in social media / А. Ю. Карпова, А. О. Савельев, А. Д. Вильнин, Д. В. Чайковский // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология / Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет (ТГУ). — 2019. — № 52. — [С. 138-146]. — URL:

  8. [Карпова, А. Ю.]( Трансформация социальных практик ответственного отцовства в девиантные формы социальной активности = Transformation of social practices of responsible fatherhood into deviant forms of social activity / А. Ю. Карпова, А. О. Савельев, С. А. Кузнецов // Векторы благополучия: экономика и социум : электронный научный журнал / Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ). — 2021. — № 4 (43). — [С. 107-118]. — URL:

  9. [Савельев, А. О.]( Моделирование высокоуровневой онтологии предметной области для изучения онлайн-радикализации = Modeling a high-level domain ontology to study online radicalization / А. О. Савельев, А. Ю. Карпова // Векторы благополучия: экономика и социум : электронный научный журнал / Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ). — 2022. — № 2 (45). — [С. 132-141]. — URL:

  10. [Karpova, A. Yu.]( Information anomie and “pixilated consciousness” effect / A. Yu. Karpova, N. N. Kabanova, A. H. Ozdiev // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 26 : Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI 2016). — [P. 349-355]. — URL:

  11. Мещерякова, Н. Н. Социология : видеолекции / Н. Н. Мещерякова, А. Ю. Карпова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, Школа базовой инженерной подготовки, Отделение социально-гуманитарных наукТомск : TPU Moodle, 2017. — Доступ по логину и паролю. — URL:

  12. [Карпова, А. Ю.]( Кризисная коммуникация: маркеры информационной аномии в региональном телевидении : монография / А. Ю. Карпова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ)Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2016. — URL:

  13. [Карпова, А. Ю.]( Кризисная коммуникация: маркеры информационной аномии в региональном телевидении : монография / А. Ю. Карпова ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ)Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2016. — 219 с. : ил.

  14. Information warfare technologies in political discourse / A. Yu. Karpova [et al.] // SHS Web of Conferences. — 2016. — Vol. 28 : Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences (RPTSS 2015). — [01048, 5 p.]. — URL:

  15. [Karpova, A. Yu.]( The political role of intellectuals / A. Yu. Karpova, N. N. Meshcheryakova, A. I. Chudinova // SHS Web of Conferences. — 2016. — Vol. 28 : Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences (RPTSS 2015). — [01147, 8 p.]. — URL:

  16. Karpov, D. A. How to attract young people to science? (based on materials of sociological research) / D. A. Karpov, A. Yu. Karpova, Yu.Yu. Kryuchkov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 93: Modern Technique and Technologies (MTT'2015). — [012079, 7 p.]. — URL:

  17. [Karpova, A. Yu.]( Organizational Culture in Focus of Measurements / A. Yu. Karpova, I. B. Ardashkin, N. N. Kabanova // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. — 2015. — Vol. 166 : Proceedings of The International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014 (RPTSS-2014), 16–18 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 246-253]. — URL:

  18. [Karpova, A. Yu.]( Russia's New Engineering Policy in Global Politics / A. Yu. Karpova, D. A. Karpov, Yu.Yu. Kryuchkov // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. — 2015. — Vol. 166 : Proceedings of The International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014 (RPTSS-2014), 16–18 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 530-535]. — URL:

  19. Оздиев, А. Х. История возникновения методов нечеткой логики = The history of fuzzy logic methods / А. Х. Оздиев, А. Ю. Карпова ; науч. рук. С. Н. Ливенцов // Современные техника и технологии : сборник трудов XXI международной научной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Томск, 5-9 октября 2015 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ). — 2015. — Т. 2. — [С. 310-312]. — URL:

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