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06 февраля 2025 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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Annotation: The purpose of the development of this module - the achievement of the students level of language and speech competence, relevant standards II certification level (common ownership) system testing of foreign nationals, as well as mastery of the skills required to communicate in different situations: social and domestic, social, cultural, educational and scientific and business. In order to achieve the following main problems will be solved objectives: the development of linguistic competence (the body of knowledge about the language system (such levels it is phonological, lexical, morphological, syntactic and stylistic) and the skills to use them in a situation of verbal communication); development of discursive competence (the ability to construct and understand utterances / texts spoken and written language (receptive and productive speech activity) using appropriate strategies and tactics of verbal behavior); development of pragmatic competence (the ability to engage in verbal communication in accordance with the communicative needs of intentions in communication situations, taking into account the conditions of the speech act); the development of social competence (knowledge of the socio-cultural context, implies the existence of "background knowledge" regional geographic and linguistic and cultural nature that dictate the choice of linguistic forms and their use in verbal communication); development of substantive jurisdiction (the body of knowledge in the professional field of communication (terminology, scientific and professional texts, training and professional situation and professional communication, etc.) and skills to engage in professional communication).
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