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Discipline’s abstract of "Training and students research work"

One of the most important tasks in the preparation of specialists in higher education - is to develop a creative approach for the use of already accumulated knowledge and acquisition of new information. One form of this learning approach is Training and students research work (TSRW). TSRW – is a system of measuring attached creative activity and promoting development initiatives interests of individual students.

TSRW main task is to inculcate in students the skills of independent theoretical and experimental work, to acquaint them with modern methods of scientific research.

The main form of TSRW execution is individual work over formulated task of the supervisor.

A sample list of tasks.

  1. Research as a tool of knowledge Documentation and archival issues.
  2. The role of the practitioner in the development of theory and practice of documentation and archival issues.
  3. Object and subject of research in the Documentation and archival issues.
  4. Goals and objectives of research in the records management and archival.
  5. (for example course researches).
  6. The development of information technology.
  7. Theoretical and organizational - technological bases of formation of electronic archives and libraries.
  8. scientific development and methodological bases of processed range of cases
  9. Scientific development and methodological bases examination value of service documentation.
  10. Personal document resources.
  11. Semiotics documenting algorithms.
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