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11 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Practice-oriented specialist
Major topics: NLU/NLP, EMS-systems, knowledge bases, ontologies and semantics, heterogeneous Big Data processing

2013 - lyceum of TPU (with honors)
2017 - graduated Tomsk Polytechnic University (bechelor's degree) 09.03.03 Applied Informatics
2018 - Exchange Program at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Finland (Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, VAMK)
2019 - graduated Tomsk Polytechnic University (master's degree) 09.04.04 Software Engineering (with honors)
since 2019 - PhD student at TPU, 09.06.01 Computer Science and Engineering

2019/2020 - Programmer, Tomsk Polytecnic University
2020/present - Teaching Assistant, Tomsk Polytecnic University
2022 - Middle Developer, ENBISYS (car voice assistant project)

2018/2020 - CERN Associated Member
2021/present - The Young Scientists Council of Tomsk Region

2018 - Tomsk Region Prize in Education, Science, Health and Culture
2019 - Bronze medal "For Merit to Tomsk Polytechnic University"