Scientific interests are connected with integrating logistics business processes, resource efficiency management and optimization of business processes using ERP systems. Now I am a lecturer of Regional Academic centre SAP Siberia. The list of main publications: - Terminological aspect of international methods of cost management / Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of management." – Tomsk, 2006.
- Target-oriented approach to the problems of the petroleum industry of the Tomsk region / Interregional scientific conference "Problems and prospects of development of mineral resources and energy companies of Siberia." – Tomsk, 2007.
- Assessment of the financial and economic performance of investments in the energy sector / International Scientific Symposium for students and young scientists "Problems of Geology and Exploitation of Mineral Resources". – Tomsk, 2008.
- Tax planning: limits and methods / International Scientific Symposium for students and young scientists "Problems of Geology and Exploitation of Mineral Resources". – Tomsk, 2009.
- Competence-based approach in the management of petroleum companies personnel in Russia / International Scientific-Practical Conference "Natural resources in the XXI century: economics, management, and innovation." – Tomsk, 2010.
- Practical work on economic of petroleum companies: educational manual. – Tomsk, 2010.
- Analysis of the financial and business activities of the petroleum company: tutorial. – Tomsk, 2011.