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03 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя нечетная
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Lesson 29/11/2018
Make your crossword for a discipline "Physical chemistry".The minimum number of words is 30.
Lesson 22/11/2018
Read and translate the scientific article according your researh. The next lesson you will be guess a crossword.
Lesson 08/11/2018
Repeat the vocabulary words (worksheets from 1 to 5). Read and translate the scientific article about your research work. You could find a scientific article on the site SciFinder.
Lesson 25/10/2018
Repeat the vocabulary words (worksheet 1- 4).
Lesson 19/10/2018
Do the worksheet №5 (theoretical and practical parts), translate the sentences from Russian to English using the appropriate tense, listen to the audio "Equilibrium" (Level 1 or Level 2) and write down the sentences. The audio file consists of 8 sentences. You only need to make 1 file according to your level. The file (Level 2) contains more complex sentences.
Lesson 11/10/2018
1/Learn the words for describing the graph (ToolKit EAP) 2/Write a brief paragraph describing the data shown in the graph (140-180 words). 3/Read the following paragraph carefully and draw a graph to represent it on the grid provided.
Discribing the graph
draw a graph
Lesson 05/10/2018
Print and do the worksheet №5 (vocabulary words, describe the phase diagrams, according your variant (attached file), learn the words for interpreting graph.
Phase diagrams
Lesson 05/10/2018
Do the worksheet №4 (write the definition of main laws, equations and definitions, do practical and homework parts)
Lesson 12/09/2018
Print and do the worksheet №3. Learn by heart the vocabulary words and watch the video "How cells obtain energy".
Lesson 07/09/2018
1/Print and do the worksheet №2 (vocabulary words)and do the practical part and homework 2/Learn by heart the vocabulary words (homework) 3/ Read and translate text "The second law of thermodynamics".
Lesson 30/08/2018
Print and do the worksheet №1 “The First law of thermodynamics. Learn by heart the vocabulary words, do the practical part and homework.
Audio_Equilibrium_Part 1
Audio_Equilibrium_Level 2
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