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13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Residual stresses management after holes mandreling in thick–walled cylinders

At the present, machining of precise holes in mechanical components remains difficult, time-consuming and unproductive.

At the same time, thick-walled cylinders (rings, bushings, sleeves etc.) constitute sufficiently a large group of mechanical components. The analysis has shown that 10% of all machined parts are related to this group. For the parts, time of hole machining is in the range of 40…90% of total machining time. Technical and economic parameters of a precise hole machining can be significantly increased by mandreling.

Mandreling is a relatively new progressive micro-finishing process that involves forcing a precise ball or mandrel through an undersized hole. Mandreling ensures high accuracy of hole size and form, good surface finish and hardens the surface layer, as well as forms favorable compressive residual stresses.

However, in some cases residual stresses, formed by mandreling are undesirably high, limiting the process application. Therefore, management of residual stresses after mandreling is relevant for modern mechanical engineering.
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