Zarevich Anton Ivanovich in 1994 he entered the Faculty of Radio Physics of Tomsk State University. In 2000 he graduated from the master's degree at the Faculty. In 2003 he graduated from the graduate school at the Tomsk Polytechnic University. P>
In 2008 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the theme "Self-oscillatory processes in the relativistic magnetron with driving external relations" on the specialty 01.04.03 - Radio. P>
From 2000 to 2005. He worked as a junior researcher in the laboratory number 53 Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic University. From 2005 to 2009. master of education worked in Tomsk State University. Since he is the Associate Professor of Computer Measuring Systems and Metrology Institute of Cybernetics of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. P>
During his scientific activity it was proposed and tested a new way to control the parameters of the radiation generating devices superpower microwave electronics, as the technique to synthesize links resonators relativistic microwave magnetron sources in the construction of directional radiation. He is the developer of a laboratory source of microwave radiation in the relativistic magnetron with a linear induction accelerator. As part of the research team Zarevich AI participated in the creation of hardware and software automates obtain dynamic characteristics of high current shunts and engaged in the development of inductive voltage divider. P>
Since 1998, participated in the performance of work for the following grants and commercial contracts:
- Grant RFFI № 98-02-16610; li>
- Grant RFFI 05-08-01210a number; Li>
- Grant RFFI 06-08-08013ofi number; Li>
- The Federal Target Program "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013"; Li>
- The Federal Target Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia in 2009-2013". Li> ul> p>
According to the results of scientific activity published more than 50 papers, and including more than 10 articles in journals included in the list of VAK of the Russian Federation, received 4 patents of the Russian Federation. Zarevich AI He is the author of manuals and guidelines on a number of disciplines. P>
Zarevich AI lectures and conducts laboratory and practical classes the students 1-4-year students of the Institute of Cybernetics, the Energy Institute, the Institute for non-destructive testing, the Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies, Physical-Technical Institute of TPU in the following disciplines:
- «Automation of measurements, control and tests"; Li>
- «information-measuring systems"; Li>
- «Electronics"; Li>
- «Electronics and circuitry"; Li>
- «Electronics and Microelectronics"; Li>
- «Computer science"; Li>
- «Computer technology in engineering." Li> ul> p>