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Type of work Author Title Target Audience Publication, volume
1. Aid Oleinik A.N. Professional English for students of chemical specialities (signature stamp of teaching and methodical section) 2dyear students of the chemical technological department for distant education TPU, 2005, 187p.
2. Teaching and methodical aid Oleinik A.N., Romanenko S.V. Physical Chemistry Third and fourth-year students of the chemical technological department TPU, 2006, 89p.
3. Teachind and methodical aid Oleinik A.N., Nesyn Y. V. Organic Chemistry Third and fourth-year students of the chemical technological department TPU, 2007, 125p.
4. Course book Oleinik A.N. ,
Gorskikh (Rozanova)Ya.V. ,
Syskina A.A.
English for Chemical Engineering: Polymers Bachelors of chemical technological department, speciality: 240501-Chemical technology of high molecular compounds TPU, 2009, 113p.
5. Laboratory works (3) 1.Oleinik A.N., Gorskikh Ya.V.
2.Oleinik A.N.
3.Oleinik A.N.
  1. Plastics
  2. Ceramics
  3. Biotechnology
Students of the fourth and fifth courses (Autumn and spring terms) Server WebCT TPU, for self-studying
6. Testing materials Oleinik A.N.
Gorskikh Ya.V.
Syskina A.A.
Professional English for fourth-year students of C.T.D. Bachelors Server WebCT TPU, for self-studying
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