Гоголев Алексей Сергеевич
Кандидат физико-математических наук

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22 декабря 2024 / Sunday / Неделя нечетная
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Coherent x-ray radiation from relativistic femto- and attosecond electron bunches

Creation of the effective method of the sub-femtosecond beams diagnosis for new generation of accelerators, as well as facilities such as XFEL, basing on the development of a generalized theory of the coherent polarization radiation, taking into account changes in the spatial and temporal characteristics of the target material, as well as the coherence effects in the radiation of bunches including correlation of the electrons in dense bunches and edge effects in the radiation.

A study of the architectonics of articular hyaline cartilage with the use of new contrast techniques

The project is aimed at obtaining results that allow to take into account the nature of pathologies at the stage of medical diagnostics and further therapy against the background of the individual characteristics of the patient, thereby solving the tasks of personalized medicine. The main goal of the project is the development of new methods and tools for researching the internal structure of biological and artificial objects using non-invasive modalities and a description of the fundamental bases of the articectonics of articular hyaline cartilage. Last decade was marked by numerous studies, aimed at developing methods for visualizing of three-dimensional structures of biological objects, which is associated with the works for creation of new alternative technologies of reconstruction of tissue and organ replacement. New technologies can reduce the dependence of transplantation of donor organs, auto graft or prostheses for reconstruction and, thereby, reducing the number of complications, associated with immune rejection. In connection with the possibility of obtaining tissue on the basis of additive technologies, there is a need to provide and study the structure of biological objects, comparable to the histological structure. The object of these studies is various organs, such as the breast gland, liver, lungs etc. The largest number of studies are dedicated to the development of modalities that renders the structural architectonics of the articular hyaline cartilage, since it is the simplest and most demanded composite tissue.

Development of the technology for fast determining the multiphase pattern flow without phase separation and the design of the front-end device

Project is aimed to derive significant scientific results facilitating the development of novel scientific and engineering products for high-precision determination of flow pattern and to control the level of particular components of multiphase flow. The expected results are of high value for many applied problems and may provide a new vision for some challenges in oil and gas industry, for example, in addition to high accuracy of multiphase flow metering and the determination of the dew point in online mode a new tool for water hammer prediction due to flow pattern change appears. The recent progress in new computational technologies in both the software and hardware (such as High Performance Computing paradigm) is paving a roadmap to realization of first principle approaches to simulate complicated dynamical problems. In particular, the fundamental problem of flow pattern determination containing the detailed and complete information about the flow will be resolved by increasing the frequency and accuracy of the density measuring, components of the multiphase flow, pressure, velocity and temperature field combined with numerical solving of Navier-Stocks equations and equations describing the interaction of the radiation with matter. The properties of the latter are of dynamical nature and the interaction will be modeled based on software tool GEANT 4.0. The described problem is classified as the inverse problem by mathematical terms and its solutions are of high interests for specialists from very different fields. The importance of the project from the applied science is approved by the highly demanded device allowing the non separative and fast component analysis of wellbore fluid based on X-rays tube with high accuracy and speed of measurement. The planned statistical uncertainty of our device is as less as 0,5% that is in 10 times lower compare to technologies aimed to resolve discussed problem based on radioactive sources with the speed measurement of one per second. The key idea of our approach consists of the adaptation the wave dispersion schema of the internal structure of matter study by usage of X-rays generators for determination of components of multiphase flow and recovering the flow pattern by transfer the derived from sensors data to the mathematical model realized on HPC platform. To achieve the claimed accuracy (about 0,5%) the new analytical module based on the detector developed by our team will be exploited in final device. The author rights belong to our laboratory [application to the patent № 2013150730 from 15.11.2013] and technical characteristics are as much as 10e7 counts per second.
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