Course Description
Discipline/Course:Methods of analysis of biotechnology products
The Master degree: 19.04.01 Biotechnology
Instructor: Anastasiia Kuznetsova, PhD
Contact details: +7 3822 563-861, email:
Structure of course:
Lecture 1. Chromatographic analysis method
Lecture 2. Chromatographic analysis method
Lecture 3. UV-spectroscopy
Lecture 4. Luminescence spectroscopy
Lab 1, 2. Chromatographic analysis method. TLC
Lab 3. IR-spectroscopy of biomolecules
Lab 4. Presentation individual work about UV-spectroscopy
Lab 5. Protein electrophoresis
Lab 6,7. Mass-spectrometry of biomolecules
Lab 8,9. Qualitative reactions for vitamins
Lab 10, 11, 12.Complex tasks