Мазуров Алексей Карпович
Доктор геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Профессор-консультант

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-16-18
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Date of birth: January 2, 1951

Position: First Vice-Rector

Academic degree: Higher Doctorate Degree in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Academic rank: Professor

1988 - PhD dissertation "Geology, material composition of ore deposits and weathering crust Koktenkol"
2003 - Higher doctoral degree dissertation «Geodynamic conditions of formation of metallogenic systems of Kazakhstan”

Трудовой путь:
1974 г.- Engineer of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy TPI
1976 г. - The Kazakh Central Geological Survey (later Association "Tsentrkazgeologiya": geologist, guider, chief geologist exploration party, senior engineer, deputy head, head of the geological department PGE "Tsentrkazgeologiya."
1993 г. - Chief Geologist of Central Kazakhstan management for protection and use of mineral resources.
1998 г. - Committee of Geology and Subsoil Protection Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (later the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources ), where he worked as deputy head of the Committee to the Deputy Chairman of Geology and Mineral Protection - Chairman of the State Commission on Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
2004 г. - Tomsk Polytechnic University: Director of the Institute of Geology and oil and gas business.
2005 г. - Concurrently Head of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration TPU.
2007 г. - First Vice-Rector of TPU.
2009 г. - Director of the Institute of Natural Resources of TPU.
2011 г. - Vice-Rector for Finance of TPU.