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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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We're teaching General English. All students are groupped due to their language skills. The main aim of the discipline "Foreign Language" (English) is to form sufficient communicative competencies in the English language, i.e. capability and readiness to perform oral and written communication in everyday and academic spheres. Objectives: 1. To develop capabilities to generate clear and consise oral and written speech, analize problems and processes of social importance; 2. To form the readiness to self-development and social communication with colleagues; 3. To facilitate mastering of principles of thinking. The discipline "Foreign Language" (English) is studied for 2 years and includes 12 modules (themes): 1. Personal introductions and living space. 2. Health and Medicine. 3. Education. 4. Travel and Holidays. 5. Shopping. 6. Natural World. 7. Work and Jobs. 8. Company Structure. 9. Corporate Identity. 10. Corporate Culture. 11. Business Communication. 12. Business across Cultures.
Info for the 2nd year students. Credit test. Autumn.
Themes for Sophomores. Autumn.
Rating-plan for Sophomores. Autumn.
Instruction to Rating-plan. Sophomores. Autumn.
Self-Study Work. Sophomores. Autumn.
Samples for Presentations
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