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Sipaylov Andrey Gennadevich was born on November 19, 1956. In Tomsk. Sipaylov A.G. have left secondary school in Tomsk in 1974. Same year he have entered the Tomsk polytechnical institute on faculty of automatic equipment and electromecanics. Has ended TPI in 1979 with the diploma of the engineer in "electrical machines" and has been distributed on Electric Equipment and Elec-trical Equipment department of TPI. Worked at the following departments in the following positions: of 1979-1982 Electric Equipment and Electrical Equipment depart-ment – the engineer; of 1982 Electric Equipment and Electrical Equipment department – м.н.с.; of 1983-1985 "Electrical Machines and Devices" department – м.н.с.; of 1985-1986 Theoretical Bases of Electrical Equipment department – м.н.с.; of 1986-1988 Theoretical Bases of Electrical Equipment department – the assistant; of 1988-1991 Theoretical Bases of Electrical Equipment department – the senior teacher; of 1991-2001 Theoretical Bases of Electrical Equipment department - the associate professor; of 2001-2011 "Theoretical and General Electrical Equipment" de part ment - the associate professor; From 2012 to the present time – "Electric Networks and Electrical Equipment" department - the associate professor. C 1982 for 1985 was trained in full-time postgraduate study of TPI. In 1986 I have defended the master's thesis. Sipaylov A.G. more than 50 scientific and methodical works among which there are 7 copyright certificates, one patent and one patent for useful model, the manual with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Edu cation and Science of the Russian Federation are the author. Within professional development has finished: FPK TPI on the spe cial ties "Use of the COMPUTER in Educational and Scien-tific Work (1982), FPKP "Possession of Computer Facilities" (1985), "Use of the COMPUTER in educational and scientific work" (1989), passed training according to the plan. the the Sipaylov A. G. is the author of over 50 scientific and me-thodical works, including 7 patents, one patent and one patent for utility model, a training manual with the stamp of Mini-Ministry of education and sci ence of the Russian Federation. the the In service training graduated from: FTF TPI on the specialty "the use of computers in educational and scientific work" (1982), the space generation forum "Ownership computations computing tech-nology" (1985), "Applications of computers in educational and scientific work" (1989), an internship plan. the the Sipaylov A. G. – a veteran of labour. Awarded with Honor-ary diploma of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Fed-eration jubilee medal Tomsk 400, diplomas of TPU (TPI). the the Sipaylov A. G. – Instructor of sports tourism of internation-al class. Award-awarded the badge "Honored traveler of Russia", the sign "leopard of Altai". Champy-Russia (1987) and winner (the sec-ond place) Championship of the USSR (1989) sport tourism cham-pion of the Sibe rian Federal district (1991), has other sports-related awards. Was a par ticipant in the Olympics TPU in different types. the Hobbies – sports tourism, hunting. the Has two sons, a grandson and two granddaughters.