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Born in 1962

1985 – graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Tomsk State University

1985 - 1992 – worked in SRIAMM TSU as a junior research assistant, and then - as a research assistant

1987 – enrolled in correspondence graduate school of TSU

1990 – Defended Ph.D. thesis (Ignition of opaque condensed matter through a barrier with various properties). Specialty "Chemical physics, including physics of combustion and explosion"

In 1993 was enrolled in the doctoral department of TSU at the Chair of Mathematical Physics on the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the SRIAMM

1996 - Defended doctoral thesis at the intersection of specialties "Mechanics of a deformable solid body" and "Solid State Physics", which laid the foundations for modeling physico-chemical processes in complex deformable media.

Since 1994 - ISPMS SB RAS: in the position of a senior research officer, from 1997 to 2007 - as a leading research officer, from January 2008 to the present - in the position of chief scientific officer.

From 1996 to 2015 Professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics PTF TSU

2006 - Title of Professor in the Department of Mathematical Physics

From 2010 to the present - Professor of the Department of High Technology Physics in Mechanical Engineering IHTP TPU

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